Current Residents
Current residents can take advantage of our online resident services – whether it's paying rent, requesting maintenance services, or more...everything is online, anytime.

Maintenance Request - Disclaimer
Brooks Landing has implemented measures consistent with CDC and local and federal guidance to try and reduce the spread of COVID-19 on these premises, including enhanced cleaning protocols. Even with these procedures in place, PLEASE BE ADVISED that employees of the building owner or building manager—or independent contractors hired by the building owner or manager—may have contracted, or have been exposed to, COVID-19 or other infectious diseases, and may expose you. By submitting a resident repair request, you voluntarily assume all risks of permitting representatives of the building owner or manager into your premises—INCLUDING THE RISK OF EXPOSURE TO INFECTIOUS DISEASE—and you waive all claims, including claims for negligence, against the building owner and manager arising out of the actions taken in response to you resident repair request. The building owner and manager hereby disclaims all liability for any injuries arising out of the actions taken in response to your resident repair request, including the exposure to infectious disease.
Access your Resident Portal! Stay informed about community updates & events, pay rent online, and submit maintenance requests all from the comfort of your home!